solve the problem what is the volume of a rectangular pyramid with a base of 200 m² in a height of 75 m show your work but make it like a twelve year old wrote it in a parahagraph

To find the volume of the rectangular pyramid, first I would use the formula for the volume of a pyramid which is Volume = (1/3) × base area × height. Then I would plug in the numbers from the problem, so it would be Volume = (1/3) × 200 × 75. Next, I would multiply 200 and 75, which equals 15000. After that, I would multiply 1/3 to 15000 and that would give me the final answer for the volume. So, the volume of the rectangular pyramid would be 5000 cubic meters, because 15000 divided by 3 equals 5000.

end it with so the answer is 5000

So the answer is 5000.

put it in the parahgraph pleasze!!

To find the volume of the rectangular pyramid, first I would use the formula for the volume of a pyramid which is Volume = (1/3) × base area × height. Then I would plug in the numbers from the problem, so it would be Volume = (1/3) × 200 × 75. Next, I would multiply 200 and 75, which equals 15000. After that, I would multiply 1/3 to 15000 and that would give me the final answer for the volume. So, the volume of the rectangular pyramid would be 5000 cubic meters, because 15000 divided by 3 equals 5000. So the answer is 5000.