"The Garden Party" Katherine Mansfield

Choose one character and find one quote that shows something about their personality and what it shows

Find a quote that show something about the setting

Character: Laura

Quote about Laura: "She held herself extremely straight, like Dona Angelina on the steps of the Palace. She was like a flower too, in the absurd red hat, and Laura could not help noticing how the silken brim was curled, shiny, like a petal that is tight with the damp."

This quote shows that Laura is a young, impressionable girl who is sensitive to her surroundings and pays attention to details. She is described as holding herself with grace and admires the beauty of the hat she is wearing, suggesting a desire for elegance and sophistication.

Quote about the setting: "They had shoved them under the trees...a great stanchion had been fixed in the middle of the lawn. And here was the marquee ready for the dancing. A huge kitchen tent crowded on to the garden."

This quote describes the setting of the garden party, highlighting the extravagance and opulence of the event. The mention of a marquee for dancing and a kitchen tent implies that the family hosting the party is wealthy and able to host grand affairs. The contrast between the lavish setting and the tragedy of the nearby lower-class family emphasizes the privilege and disconnect of the Sheridan family.