This was an event that was part of the European Theatre in World War II:

This was an event that was part of the European Theatre in World War II:

Battle of Midway

Battle of Iwo Jima

Battle of Guadalcanal

Normandy Invasion

(Normandy Invasion)

Btw why did Hitler commit suicide

Adolf Hitler committed suicide on April 30, 1945, in his underground bunker in Berlin as Soviet forces closed in on the city during the final days of World War II. Hitler knew that the war was all but lost and refused to surrender or allow himself to be captured by the advancing Allied forces. He chose suicide as a way to avoid facing the consequences of his actions and to avoid being captured by his enemies. His death marked the end of the Nazi regime and the closing chapter of World War II in Europe.

What would of happened if h3 got caught by allie forces

If Adolf Hitler had been captured by Allied forces instead of committing suicide, it would have had significant implications for the end of World War II and for the post-war era. Some possible scenarios include:

1. Trial: Hitler could have been put on trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity. The Nuremberg Trials were held after the war to prosecute major war criminals, so Hitler would likely have been a key defendant in such a trial.

2. Imprisonment: If Hitler had been captured alive, he could have been imprisoned for his role in starting and prosecuting the war. His imprisonment would have likely been for life, as he would have been considered too dangerous to ever be released.

3. Interrogation: Allied forces would have likely interrogated Hitler to gather intelligence on the Nazi regime, its leaders, and its military operations. This information could have been valuable for understanding the inner workings of the Third Reich.

4. Influence on Post-War Europe: Hitler's capture could have had implications for the rebuilding and restructuring of post-war Europe. His continued presence, even in captivity, could have influenced the political landscape and the reconstruction efforts in Germany and beyond.

Overall, the capture of Hitler would have been a historic event with far-reaching consequences for the end of World War II and the post-war world.

How many people did he kill

Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime were responsible for the deaths of millions of people during World War II. The exact number of people killed under Hitler's rule is difficult to determine precisely, but estimates range from around 11 million to as many as 17 million people. These victims included:

- Six million Jews who were systematically murdered in the Holocaust, along with millions of other targeted groups such as Roma, disabled individuals, and others.

- Millions of civilians who died as a result of the war, including bombing raids, forced labor, starvation, and other atrocities.

- Military personnel and civilians from countries invaded by Nazi Germany, as well as those who perished in the conflicts Hitler initiated.

The staggering death toll attributed to Hitler's actions and policies underscores the brutality and devastation caused by his regime during World War II.

Dang did the have the death sentence back then?

During World War II and the years immediately following, the death penalty was still in use in many countries, including the Allied powers that fought against Nazi Germany. In fact, after the war, the Allied forces established the International Military Tribunal (IMT) in Nuremberg to prosecute major war criminals, and this tribunal included the death penalty as a possible punishment for those found guilty of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other atrocities.

The Nuremberg Trials resulted in several high-ranking Nazi officials, military leaders, and others being sentenced to death for their roles in the Holocaust and other war crimes committed during World War II. In total, twelve prominent Nazis were sentenced to death by hanging at the conclusion of the Nuremberg Trials, while others received lengthy prison sentences.

Overall, the death penalty was still a legal and utilized punishment during World War II and the post-war period, particularly for individuals responsible for heinous crimes and atrocities committed during the conflict.

So Hitler is now in hell