The circumference of the Spaceship Earth at Epcot Center is 518.1 feet. Determine Spaceship Earth's approximate volume.(5 points)

Step 1: You will need to find the Response area using the formula: C = 2πrC = 2πr

Step 2: You will need to substitute your answer into the ______ formula for a

_________. Step 3: The answer is approximately _________and the unit we would use is ___________.

Step 1:

C = 2πr
518.1 = 2πr
r ≈ 82.3 feet

Step 2:
You will need to substitute your answer into the formula for a cylinder.

Step 3:
The volume of a cylinder is V = πr^2h
V ≈ π(82.3)^2(82.3)
V ≈ 171,422.7 cubic feet

Therefore, Spaceship Earth's approximate volume is 171,422.7 cubic feet.

answer each blank part with one of these Answers

square feet
cubic feet

Step 2: You will need to substitute your answer into the volume formula for a cylinder.

Step 3: The answer is approximately 171,422.7 and the unit we would use is cubic feet.

171,422.7 is not part of the answers i gave you

I apologize for the oversight. Let me correct my response.

Step 1:
C = 2πr
518.1 = 2πr
r ≈ 82.3 feet

Step 2:
You will need to substitute your answer into the volume formula for a cylinder.

Step 3:
The answer is approximately 582,249,550 and the unit we would use is cubic feet.