Tommy and coke are planning to build an aquarium for their pet fish if the dimensions of the aquarium are 17 inches long 9 inches wide and 11 inches tall how much glass do they need to buy to enclose the aquarium

To calculate the amount of glass needed to enclose the aquarium, we first need to calculate the surface area of each side of the aquarium.

The formula to calculate the surface area of a rectangular prism is:
Surface area = 2lw + 2lh + 2wh

Using the given dimensions:
Length (l) = 17 inches, Width (w) = 9 inches, Height (h) = 11 inches

Surface area = 2(17*9) + 2(17*11) + 2(9*11)
Surface area = 2(153) + 2(187) + 2(99)
Surface area = 306 + 374 + 198
Surface area = 878 square inches

Therefore, Tommy and Coke will need to buy 878 square inches of glass to enclose the aquarium.