Factors and Western east Africa that allowed their cultures to endure

1. Strong cultural and historical ties: Both Western and East Africa have a long history of rich cultural traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation. This strong sense of identity and heritage has helped to preserve their cultures despite outside influences.

2. Resilience and adaptability: The cultures of Western and East Africa have shown great resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges and changes over time. They have been able to incorporate new ideas and influences while still maintaining core cultural values and traditions.

3. Traditional social structures: Traditional social structures in Western and East Africa, such as extended families and community networks, have played a significant role in preserving their cultures. These structures have helped to maintain values, beliefs, and customs and pass them on to future generations.

4. Oral traditions: Both regions have strong oral traditions, including storytelling, music, and dance, that have been used to transmit cultural knowledge and history. These oral traditions have served as a way to preserve and pass down traditional practices and beliefs.

5. Preservation efforts: There have been concerted efforts in both regions to preserve and promote their cultures, including through the protection of heritage sites, museums, and cultural institutions. These efforts have helped to ensure that their cultures endure in the face of modernization and globalization.