How do political activities like those Citizens United engaged in, influence political parties during the election process?

Political activities like those engaged in by Citizens United can have a significant influence on political parties during the election process. By allowing corporations and other interest groups to spend unlimited amounts of money on political campaigns, these activities can tilt the balance of power in favor of the wealthy and well-connected.

One way in which these activities can influence political parties is by providing financial support to candidates that align with their interests. This can lead to candidates from one party receiving disproportionate support from wealthy donors and interest groups, potentially giving them a greater advantage in elections.

Additionally, the influx of money from these political activities can also shape the messaging and priorities of political parties. Candidates may be more likely to focus on issues that are important to their wealthy donors, rather than the needs of the average voter. This can lead to a disconnect between the priorities of the political party and the concerns of the electorate.

Furthermore, the increased spending by outside groups can also lead to a more negative and divisive election process, as candidates and parties may feel pressured to attack their opponents in order to gain an advantage. This can further polarize the political landscape and make it difficult for parties to find common ground on important issues.

Overall, political activities like those of Citizens United can have a significant impact on the election process and the influence of political parties, potentially undermining the integrity of the democratic system.