Which do you think is more effective for making a point: poetry or an essay? Why?

It ultimately depends on the subject matter and the audience you are trying to reach. Poetry can be more effective in conveying emotions, themes, and deeper meanings in a more succinct and creative way. It can evoke strong emotions and leave a lasting impact on the reader.

On the other hand, an essay can be more effective in presenting facts, logical arguments, and supporting evidence in a clear and organized manner. It can provide in-depth analysis and explanation of a topic, making it more persuasive and convincing.

Both poetry and essays have their own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to making a point. Some topics may be better suited for one form of writing over the other. Ultimately, the effectiveness of either form depends on the skill of the writer in communicating their message effectively to their intended audience.

Bit shorter pls

Poetry is more effective for conveying emotions and deeper meanings, while essays are better for presenting facts and logical arguments. It depends on the subject matter and audience which form is more suitable for making a point.