Malik’s weekly pay varies directly to the number of hours he works as a lifeguard. His weekly pay is $246.50 when he works 17 hours. What is his weekly salary when he works 23 hours? Note: Write a direct variation equation representing this situation and use this equation to answer the question.

Let x represent the number of hours Malik works as a lifeguard.

We can write the direct variation equation as:

W = kh

W = weekly pay
k = constant of variation
h = number of hours worked

We know that when Malik works 17 hours, his weekly pay is $246.50. So we can substitute these values into the equation:

246.50 = k(17)

Solving for k:

k = 246.50 / 17
k = 14.50

Now that we have the value of k, we can find the weekly pay when Malik works 23 hours:

W = 14.50(23)
W = $333.50

Therefore, Malik's weekly salary when he works 23 hours is $333.50.