In order to determine what we know about the speaker of a poem we should gather blank about the speaker

There are a few key aspects to consider when trying to understand the speaker of a poem:

1. Tone: What tone does the speaker take in the poem? Are they angry, sad, joyful, contemplative, etc.? The tone can give clues to the speaker's emotions and mindset.

2. Language and diction: What type of language does the speaker use? Is it formal, informal, poetic, straightforward? The choice of words can reveal the speaker's education, background, and mood.

3. Subject matter: What is the poem about, and what does the speaker focus on? Whether the speaker discusses nature, love, loss, or politics can give insight into their interests and beliefs.

4. Perspective: Is the speaker speaking in first person ("I"), second person ("you"), or third person ("he/she")? This can reveal the relationship the speaker has with the subject matter.

5. Imagery and symbolism: What images and symbols does the speaker use in the poem? Paying attention to these can provide insight into the speaker's thoughts and feelings.

By closely analyzing these aspects of a poem, we can gather valuable information about the speaker and better understand their perspective and purpose in the poem.