What could a skydiver do to slow down their fall?

1. Open their parachute: This is the most common method for slowing down a skydiver's fall. By deploying their parachute, the skydiver creates drag, which helps to slow down their descent and allow for a controlled landing.

2. Spread out their limbs: By spreading out their arms and legs, a skydiver can increase their surface area and create more drag, which helps to slow down their fall.

3. Adjust body position: Skydivers can adjust their body position to increase drag and slow down their fall. For example, arching their back or pointing their toes can help to slow their descent.

4. Use a drogue chute: Some skydivers use a drogue chute, which is a small parachute that is deployed to increase drag and slow down their fall. This can be helpful for skydivers who are falling too fast or want to extend their free fall experience.

5. Perform a controlled descent: Skydivers can perform maneuvers such as spirals, turns, or tracking to slow down their fall and control their descent. These techniques can help skydivers to safely navigate to the desired landing spot while maintaining control over their speed.