You are given a square. If the area of the square is 81 in2 , you can find the length of one of the sides by. You can find the perimeter of the square by . You are given a cube. If the volume of the cube is 125 in3 , you can find the length of one of the sides by . The difference between squaring and cubing a number is .

To find the length of one side of the square with an area of 81 in², you take the square root of the area. So, √81 = 9 in.

To find the perimeter of the square, you multiply the length of one side by 4 (since all sides of a square are equal). So, the perimeter is 9 in * 4 = 36 in.

To find the length of one side of the cube with a volume of 125 in³, you take the cube root of the volume. So, ∛125 = 5 in.

The difference between squaring and cubing a number is that squaring a number means multiplying it by itself, while cubing a number means multiplying it by itself twice (or raising it to the power of 3). For example, squaring 3 gives 3² = 3*3 = 9, while cubing 3 gives 3³ = 3*3*3 = 27.