Great work completing a slideshow presentation! It’s time to go back to the presentation and make it even better. In this lesson, you will apply feedback from your Learning Coach to upgrade your presentation. Feedback consists of comments or reactions to an event or a person’s performance with the intention of helping them make improvements.

1. Review Feedback: Take some time to carefully review the feedback provided by your Learning Coach. Highlight any specific areas for improvement or suggestions for enhancing your presentation.

2. Identify Key Areas: Focus on key areas that were mentioned in the feedback, such as organization, content clarity, visual appeal, or delivery. These areas will likely have the most impact on improving your presentation.

3. Make Revisions: Review your slideshow and make necessary revisions based on the feedback you received. This may involve restructuring slides, adding more detail, improving visuals, or refining your speaking points.

4. Seek Clarification: If there are any comments from your Learning Coach that you don’t fully understand or need further clarification on, don’t hesitate to reach out to them for more information. It’s important to fully grasp the feedback you received in order to make effective improvements.

5. Practice and Review: Once you have made revisions to your presentation, practice delivering it again to see how the changes have enhanced your overall performance. You may also want to review your slides with a fresh perspective to ensure they are clear, engaging, and well-organized.

6. Ask for Feedback: Consider sharing your updated presentation with a peer, colleague, or family member for additional feedback. Getting a different perspective can help you identify any remaining areas for improvement and make your presentation even stronger.

7. Reflect and Apply: Reflect on the feedback you received, the changes you made, and the impact it had on your presentation. Use this experience as a learning opportunity to continue refining your skills and delivering impactful presentations in the future.

By applying feedback and actively seeking ways to improve your presentation, you will not only enhance your current slideshows but also continue to grow as a confident and effective presenter. Keep up the great work!