The table below shows the number of marbles of different colors in a bag:

Color of Marbles Number of Marbles
Pink 5
Blue 2
Green 3

Ursula draws a marble from the bag randomly without looking. She then draws another marble from the bag without replacing the first one. Which expression shows the probability of drawing green marbles in both the trials? 3 over 10 multiplied by 2 over 9

3 over 10 multiplied by 2 over 10

3 over 10 added to 2 over 9

3 over 10 added to 2 over 10

The correct expression is 3 over 10 multiplied by 2 over 9. This is because the probability of drawing a green marble on the first trial is 3 over 10, and then since a marble is not replaced for the second trial, there are now 2 green marbles left out of a total of 9 marbles. Therefore, the probability of drawing a green marble in both trials is 3 over 10 multiplied by 2 over 9.