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The Stronghold Society is a nonprofit organization that uses music, art, and skateboarding to inspire Lakota youth to rise above personal and societal challenges in order to create a brighter future.
Both the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota and the San Carlos Apache Reservation in Arizona have thriving skateparks where kids can practice their ollies, nollies, and heelflips and kick back with their friends.
Douglas Miles uses the Apache Agency Skate Shop to organize skateboarding competitions and demonstrations where young skateboarders travel around and give Native and non-Native groms skateboarding tips.
Skateboarding is a popular sport among kids on many Native American reservations as it provides an outlet for creative expression and fosters key leadership skills like courage and perseverance.

The article is mainly about how the Stronghold Society, a nonprofit organization, uses music, art, and skateboarding to inspire and empower Lakota youth on Native American reservations, such as Pine Ridge and San Carlos Apache Reservation. It discusses the impact of skateboarding as a popular sport among Native American youth and how it helps foster important skills and values.