The central problem situation in a story it can be either external or internal.


- The central problem in a story is the main issue or conflict that drives the plot forward. It can be either internal, such as a character struggling with their own emotions or beliefs, or external, such as a character facing an obstacle or antagonist.

- Symbolism in a story refers to the use of symbols or objects to represent deeper ideas or themes. For example, a red rose could symbolize love or passion.

- Verse in a story refers to the lines of poetry or lyrics that are included in the text. It can add rhythm and depth to the story.

- Resolution in a story is the point at which the central problem is solved or resolved. It is the culmination of the plot and often provides closure for the characters and readers.

- Conflict in a story is the struggle between opposing forces or characters. It can be internal, such as a character dealing with conflicting emotions, or external, such as a character facing a physical or emotional obstacle. Conflict is essential for driving the plot forward and creating tension and drama.