Analyze the strategy that a candidate might use when running for president in the general election. What should their first goal be?(1 point) Responses to win their party’s nomination at the national convention to win their party’s nomination at the national convention to become a delegate to the national convention to become a delegate to the national convention to choose a good running mate to choose a good running mate to choose the correct states in which to campaign during the general election to choose the correct states in which to campaign during the general election

The first goal of a candidate running for president in the general election should be to win their party's nomination at the national convention. This involves securing enough delegates through primary elections and caucuses to become the official candidate for their party. Once they have secured the nomination, they can then focus on building a campaign strategy to appeal to a broader base of voters in key states during the general election. This may involve choosing a strong running mate, developing a clear message and platform, and targeting swing states where their message is likely to resonate with voters. Ultimately, the candidate's goal is to secure enough electoral votes to win the presidency.