a car travels 132 miles in 4 gallons of gas at the same rate how many gallons of gas are needed t travel 231 miles

To find out how many gallons of gas are needed to travel 231 miles at the same rate, we can set up a proportion:

132 miles / 4 gallons = 231 miles / x gallons

Cross multiplying, we get:

132x = 4 * 231

132x = 924

Dividing both sides by 132:

x = 924 / 132

x = 7

Therefore, 7 gallons of gas are needed to travel 231 miles at the same rate.

Olivia orders 6 ham sandwiches at the deli the total amount was 30.72 how much did each sandwich cost

To find out how much each sandwich cost, you can divide the total amount by the number of sandwiches:

Total amount / Number of sandwiches = Cost per sandwich

$30.72 / 6 sandwiches = Cost per sandwich

$5.12 = Cost per sandwich

Therefore, each ham sandwich cost $5.12.

Lynette made the following diagram which list shows all the possible outcomes according to her tree diagram

A< C. O. G

B< C O. G

The possible outcomes according to Lynette's tree diagram can be listed as follows:

1. A, C
2. A, O
3. A, G
4. B, C
5. B, O
6. B, G

These outcomes represent all the possible combinations of events based on the given tree diagram.

a house decreased in value from $250,000 to 210,000 by what percentage does it need to in in order to return to its original value of 250,000

To find out the percentage increase needed for the house to return to its original value of $250,000, we can calculate the difference between the current value ($210,000) and the original value ($250,000).

Original value: $250,000
Current value: $210,000

Difference = Original value - Current value
Difference = $250,000 - $210,000
Difference = $40,000

Now, we need to find the percentage increase needed to return to the original value:

Percentage increase = (Difference / Current value) * 100%

Percentage increase = ($40,000 / $210,000) * 100%
Percentage increase = (0.190476) * 100%
Percentage increase ≈ 19.05%

Therefore, the house needs to increase in value by approximately 19.05% to return to its original value of $250,000.

what does point A represent on this graph



4. A

0. 12. 24. 36

Based on the description provided, point A on the graph would represent the value of 4 on the y-axis. This is because a point on a graph is typically represented as (x, y), where the x-coordinate corresponds to the horizontal axis and the y-coordinate corresponds to the vertical axis. Since point A is directly above the value of 4 on the y-axis, it represents the value of 4.