For a given recipe, 3 cups of flour are mixed with 6 cups of sugar. How many cups of flour should be used if 30 cups of sugar are used?

Assuming a constant ratio, fill out the table of equivalent ratios until you have found the value of x.

| Flour | Sugar |

| 3 cups | 6 cups|
| x cups | 30 cups|

To find the value of x, we set up a proportion:

3/6 = x/30

Cross multiply:

6x = 90

Divide by 6:

x = 15

Therefore, if 30 cups of sugar are used, 15 cups of flour should be used.

write a simple equation

Let x represent the number of cups of flour that should be used.

The equation representing the given situation is:

(3 cups of flour) / (6 cups of sugar) = x / 30 cups of sugar

Simplifying the equation, we have:

3/6 = x/30

Solving for x:

2/1 = x/30

x = 15

Therefore, if 30 cups of sugar are used, 15 cups of flour should be used.