Those who supported adoption of the Constitution were called

A Abolitionists.Abolitionists.
B Democrats.Democrats.
C Federalists.Federalists.
D Republicans.

What was the purpose of both the New Jersey and Virginia plans at the Constitutional Convention?
A They tried to draft a plan for independence from Britain.They tried to draft a plan for independence from Britain.
B They were meant to bring the Revolutionary War to a diplomatic end.They were meant to bring the Revolutionary War to a diplomatic end.
C They created a compromise on the issue of slavery in the United States.They created a compromise on the issue of slavery in the United States.
D They tried to settle issues regarding the power of states in the national government.

Some delegates to the Constitutional Convention refused to ratify the Constitution until which document was included?
A The Magna CartaThe Magna Carta
B The Bill of RightsThe Bill of Rights
C The Articles of ConfederationThe Articles of Confederation
D The Declaration of Independence

In terms of representation, which states would benefit most by having slaves counted in their populations?
B All would benefit
D None would benefit

Why did the Anti-Federalists push for the addition of a Bill of Rights to the United States Constitution?
A there was a precedent set for doing so in Great Britain's Constitutionthere was a precedent set for doing so in Great Britain's Constitution
B they believed the government needed protection from possible uprisingsthey believed the government needed protection from possible uprisings
C they believed the people's liberties needed protection from the governmentthey believed the people's liberties needed protection from the government
D there was already a requirement to do so, but the Federalists were ignoring itthere was already a requirement to do so, but the Federalists were ignoring it

A major failing of the United States Government under the Articles of Confederation was its
A inability to allow the United States to expand.inability to allow the United States to expand.
B inability to regulate commerce among the states.inability to regulate commerce among the states.
C failure to defend Texas from being annexed by Mexico.failure to defend Texas from being annexed by Mexico.
D failure to settle conflicts over the settlement of western lands.

Which is the BEST description of the main weakness of the Articles of Confederation in relation to the American Revolution?
A Because the Articles of Confederation gave the federal government no way to force the states to supply troops or funds, Washington's army was often without supplies or food.Because the Articles of Confederation gave the federal government no way to force the states to supply troops or funds, Washington's army was often without supplies or food.
B Because the Articles of Confederation guaranteed equal rights for Native Americans, Washington's army gained thousands of Indian warriors as allies, a fact that led to his victory at the Battle of Yorktown.Because the Articles of Confederation guaranteed equal rights for Native Americans, Washington's army gained thousands of Indian warriors as allies, a fact that led to his victory at the Battle of Yorktown.
C Because the Articles of Confederation created a strong central government, the Thirteen Colonies were unified against Great Britain and had little problem raising troops and providing adequate supplies for Washington's army.Because the Articles of Confederation created a strong central government, the Thirteen Colonies were unified against Great Britain and had little problem raising troops and providing adequate supplies for Washington's army.
D Because the Articles of Confederation gave the states too much power, each state was trying to negotiate individually with Great Britain and several states reached compromises with Great Britain and hurt the American war effort.
A purpose of the Articles of Confederation was to ensure the sovereignty of each individual state. What is the definition of sovereignty?
A Safety
B Independence
C Prosperity
D Colonization

13 of 3113 of 31 Items


Included what
would become
Ohio, Michigan,
Illinois, and
Wisconsin Designed to
create new
states in the
territory Land was
sold to citizens
to pay off
War debt

Which of the following would the best fit to complete the organizer?
A Louisiana Purchase
B Red River Cession
C Florida Cession
D Northwest Ordinance

Why was it hard to get laws passed under the Articles of Confederation?
A To pass a law, all states needed to agree.To pass a law, all states needed to agree.
B To pass a law, 9 of 13 states needed to agree.To pass a law, 9 of 13 states needed to agree.
C The President could veto a law before it was passed.The President could veto a law before it was passed.
D The Supreme Court could rule any law unconstitutional.

According to the Articles of Confederation, most of the governmental power was placed in the—
A national government
B judiciary
C states
D military

17 of 3117 of 31 Items

Which answer shows an accurate relationship between these English and American political doctrines in terms of structure and purpose?
A Magna Carta ⇒ Petition of RightsMagna Carta ⇒ Petition of Rights
B Petition of Rights ⇒ U.S. ConstitutionPetition of Rights ⇒ U.S. Constitution
C Magna Carta ⇒ Articles of ConfederationMagna Carta ⇒ Articles of Confederation
D English Bill of Rights ⇒ U.S. Bill of RightsEnglish Bill of Rights ⇒ U.S. Bill of Rights

How did the Mayflower Compact MOST impact the development of government in the colonies?
A It was the first model of government designed and used in the colonies.It was the first model of government designed and used in the colonies.
B It created the first colonial government entirely separate from England.It created the first colonial government entirely separate from England.
C It was the first model of government that gave everyone equal representation.It was the first model of government that gave everyone equal representation.
D It set up the first colonial government with voting rights and elected officials.It set up the first colonial government with voting rights and elected officials.

To promote the ratification of the Constitution, John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton published the—
A Federalist Papers.Federalist Papers .
Articles of Confederation.

Articles of Confederation.
C Anti-Federalist Papers.Anti-Federalist Papers.
D Letters from the Federal Farmer.

A Federalist Papers.

answer alll of them

I apologize for the inconvenience. Here are the answers to all the questions:

1. Those who supported adoption of the Constitution were called Federalists.

2. The purpose of both the New Jersey and Virginia plans at the Constitutional Convention was that they tried to settle issues regarding the power of states in the national government.

3. Some delegates to the Constitutional Convention refused to ratify the Constitution until the Bill of Rights was included.

4. In terms of representation, the states that would benefit most by having slaves counted in their populations would be C. State B.

5. The Anti-Federalists pushed for the addition of a Bill of Rights to the United States Constitution because they believed the people's liberties needed protection from the government.

6. A major failing of the United States Government under the Articles of Confederation was its inability to regulate commerce among the states.

7. The main weakness of the Articles of Confederation in relation to the American Revolution was that because the Articles of Confederation gave the federal government no way to force the states to supply troops or funds, Washington's army was often without supplies or food.

8. The definition of sovereignty is B. Independence.

9. The completion of the organizer would be D. Northwest Ordinance.

10. It was hard to get laws passed under the Articles of Confederation because to pass a law, 9 of 13 states needed to agree.

11. According to the Articles of Confederation, most of the governmental power was placed in the C. states.

12. An accurate relationship between these English and American political doctrines in terms of structure and purpose would be A. Magna Carta ⇒ Petition of Rights.

13. The Mayflower Compact MOST impacted the development of government in the colonies by A. It was the first model of government designed and used in the colonies.

14. To promote the ratification of the Constitution, John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton published the A. Federalist Papers.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Match each function with the branch of government that it describes.

Put responses in the correct input to answer the question. Select a response, navigate to the desired input and insert the response. Responses can be selected and inserted using the space bar, enter key, left mouse button or touchpad. Responses can also be moved by dragging with a mouse.
Judicial Branch Executive Branch Legislative Branch

It looks like the functions that need to be matched with the respective branches of government are missing. Please provide me with the functions related to each branch so that I can help you match them correctly.

branch that decides if laws are fair

branch that makes the laws
branch that enforces the laws

The correct matches are as follows:

- Judicial Branch: the branch that decides if laws are fair
- Legislative Branch: the branch that makes the laws
- Executive Branch: the branch that enforces the laws

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.