caleb can work at a the carwash and earn 34 dollars for 4 hours of work he can also wash dishes at the restaurant and earn 51 dollars for 6 hours of work caleb wants to compare his rate per hour at the two jobs

complete the ratio of dollars to hours at the carwash.

? to ?

34 dollars to 4 hours

34/4 = 8.50

So, the ratio of dollars to hours at the carwash is 8.50 to 1.

how much does the carwash pay per hour find the unit rate

caleb makes ? per hour working at the carwash

Caleb makes $8.50 per hour working at the carwash.

complete the ratio of dollars to hours at the restaurant

? to ?

51 dollars to 6 hours

51/6 = 8.50

So, the ratio of dollars to hours at the restaurant is 8.50 to 1.

how much does the restaurant pay per hour find the unit rate

caleb makes ? per hour working at the restaurant

Caleb makes $8.50 per hour working at the restaurant.