Does my thesis statement make sense?

The quote ‘Something is rotten in the state of Denmark’ (I.iv.90) is true; Denmark’s well-being is corrupted with decay.



To determine if your thesis statement makes sense, we can follow a structured process to analyze it:

1. Understand the context: The quote "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark" comes from Shakespeare's play "Hamlet." It is spoken by Marcellus, a character in the play, and implies that there is a sense of corruption and decay within the kingdom of Denmark.

2. Identify the claim: Your thesis statement asserts that the quote is true and that Denmark is indeed corrupted with decay.

3. Assess the evidence: To determine if your thesis statement makes sense, examine the evidence you have to support your claim. Consider the examples, details, or arguments you provide to back up your assertion that Denmark's well-being is corrupted with decay. These could include political corruption, moral decadence, or any other evidence from the play that portrays Denmark as a corrupt state.

4. Evaluate coherence: Check if your thesis statement is coherent by assessing the logical connection between the quote and your claim. Does your claim align with the meaning and context of the quote? Is it a reasonable interpretation? Make sure there is a clear and logical link between the evidence you provide and the quote.

Ultimately, only you can determine if your thesis statement makes sense. However, by following these steps, you can critically analyze and evaluate it to ensure its clarity, coherence, and persuasiveness.