Edie and her family traveled from their house to another city for several hours. On their way to the city, Edie recorded the distance they had traveled, as shown in the following table: Time (in hours) 0 2 4 6 8 Distance (in miles) 0 57 114 171 228 When they traveled back home, she wrote the following function that gives the distance they covered over time: y = 47.5x, where y is the distance in miles and x is the time in hours. In which part of the trip did they travel faster: going to the city or returning home? What was their speed? (1 point) Responses going to the city at a speed of 57 miles per hour going to the city at a speed of 57 miles per hour going to the city at a speed of 28.5 miles per hour going to the city at a speed of 28.5 miles per hour returning home at a speed of 95 miles per hour returning home at a speed of 95 miles per hour returning home at a speed of 47.5 miles per hour returning home at a speed of 47.5 miles per hour

The family traveled faster when returning home, with a speed of 95 miles per hour. This is calculated by substituting x=2 into the function y=47.5x to get y=47.5(2)=95, showing that after 2 hours they had traveled 95 miles.