Zionist Movement

Balfour Declaration
League of nation create mandates to partition the middle east
Suez Canal Crisis
Six-day war
world war II / Holocaust
Israel becomes an official state
creation of the arab league
Egypt-israel peace treaty
oslo accords

How have the events listed impacted the current situation between Israel and palestine?

the response should have 3-4 SMALL sentences that include elements RAE of the RACES strategy.

The Zionist Movement and Balfour Declaration laid the foundation for the establishment of Israel, leading to ongoing conflicts with Palestinians over land and rights. The partitioning of the Middle East by the League of Nations created tension and displacement among Palestinians. The Six-Day War and Oslo Accords attempted to address territorial disputes, but the unresolved issues continue to fuel conflict in the region. The Egypt-Israel peace treaty and creation of the Arab League have influenced diplomatic relations and alliances in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


The Zionist Movement and Balfour Declaration set the stage for the establishment of Israel, sparking ongoing conflicts over land ownership. Factors such as the Six-Day War and Oslo Accords have attempted to address territorial disputes but have not fully resolved the conflict. The creation of the Arab League and Egypt-Israel peace treaty have impacted diplomatic relations in the region, further affecting the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.