If the cylinder and the cone shown have the same volume, then the radius and height of the cone could be which of these? (2 points) Responses radius of the cone = 15; height of the cone = 4 radius of the cone = 15; height of the cone = 4 radius of the cone = 15; height of the cone = 12 radius of the cone = 15; height of the cone = 12 radius of the cone = 5; height of the cone = 12 radius of the cone = 5; height of the cone = 12 radius of the cone = 5; height of the cone = 4

To find the volume of a cylinder or cone, we use the formula:

Volume of a cylinder = πr^2h
Volume of a cone = (1/3)πr^2h

Given that the volumes of the cylinder and cone are equal, we can set up the following equation:

π(8)^2(5) = (1/3)πr^2h

Simplify the equation:

64π(5) = (1/3)πr^2h
320π = (1/3)πr^2h
960 = r^2h

Now we can check the options to see which combination of radius and height satisfies this equation.

Option 1: radius = 15, height = 4
(15)^2(4) = 900

Option 2: radius = 15, height = 12
(15)^2(12) = 2700

Option 3: radius = 5, height = 12
(5)^2(12) = 300

Option 4: radius = 5, height = 4
(5)^2(4) = 100

Therefore, the combination that satisfies the equation is:
radius of the cone = 5; height of the cone = 12