Julie works Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday for 10 hours each day. On Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, she works 7 hours each day. She does not work on Saturday. Her weekly total earnings are $612. What is Julie's hourly rate of pay in dollars

To find Julie's hourly rate of pay, we first need to calculate how many hours she worked in a week.

On Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday, she works 10 hours each day, so that's 10 x 3 = 30 hours.
On Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, she works 7 hours each day, so that's 7 x 3 = 21 hours.
In total, she works 30 + 21 = 51 hours in a week.

If her total earnings are $612, and she worked 51 hours, then her hourly rate of pay is 612 / 51 = $12 per hour.

Therefore, Julie's hourly rate of pay is $12.