
Solve this system of equations by graphing. First graph the equations, and then type the solution.

To graph the equations y = (1/3)x - 4 and y = 2x + 1, we will first find a few points to plot on a graph.

For y = (1/3)x - 4:
When x = 0, y = (-4).
When x = 3, y = (-3).
When x = 6, y = (-2).

For y = 2x + 1:
When x = 0, y = 1.
When x = 2, y = 5.
When x = -2, y = -3.

Now we can plot these points on a graph and connect them to see the lines.

The first line (green) represents y = (1/3)x - 4.
The second line (purple) represents y = 2x + 1.

The solution to this system of equations is the point where the two lines intersect. From the graph, it appears that they intersect at the point (6, -2).

Therefore, the solution to the system of equations is x = 6 and y = -2.

what are the pionts?

I apologize for the confusion in my previous response. Let's find the points where the two lines intersect:

(1/3)x - 4 = 2x + 1

(1/3)x - 2x = 1 + 4

(1/3)x - 6x = 5

(1/3)x = 5

x = 15

Now, substitute x = 15 back into either of the original equations to find the y-coordinate:

y = (1/3)(15) - 4
y = 5 - 4
y = 1

Therefore, the solution is x = 15 and y = 1. The two lines intersect at the point (15, 1).