designer wants to estimate the area of a trapezoid-shaped stage. Each square represents one square foot. The designer decides to find the area by composing a rectangle. What is the length of the base of the rectangle in feet?

(1 point)

To find the length of the base of the rectangle, we need to calculate the total number of square feet in the trapezoid-shaped stage.

Let's say the trapezoid-shaped stage is made up of the following squares:
- 6 squares on the top row
- 10 squares on the second row
- 14 squares on the third row
- 18 squares on the fourth row
- 0 squares on the fifth row

The total number of square feet in the trapezoid-shaped stage is:
6 + 10 + 14 + 18 + 0 = 48 square feet

To find the length of the base of the rectangle in feet, we need to find a whole number that can divide 48 without any remainder. The factors of 48 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, and 48.

The length of the base of the rectangle in feet could be 4 feet.