1 point

Question at position 1
What was a major cause of the War of 1812

What was a major cause of the War of 1812

Declaration of Independence

High tariffs

Western expansion

Impressment of U.S. Sailors by the British Navy

Question at position 2

1 point

Question at position 2
How did immigrants MOST contribute to the rapid industrialization of the United States during the early-to-mid 1800s?

How did immigrants MOST contribute to the rapid industrialization of the United States during the early-to-mid 1800s?

By raising the money needed for investment

By serving as an inexpensive source of labor

By introducing skilled craftsmanship in cottage industries

By designing the methods used to mass produce goods

Question at position 3

1 point

Question at position 3

-Concerned the relationship between the Cherokee people and a state

-The Supreme Court ordered that Indian nations were subject to federal, not state law

Which Supreme Court case best completes the partial outline above?


-Concerned the relationship between the Cherokee people and a state

-The Supreme Court ordered that Indian nations were subject to federal, not state law

Which Supreme Court case best completes the partial outline above?

Worcester v. Georgia

Gibbons v. Odgen

McCulloch v. Maryland

Marbury v, Madison

Question at position 4

1 point

Question at position 4
What event caused the most growth of U.S. industry and manufacturing?

What event caused the most growth of U.S. industry and manufacturing?

Quasi War

Election of Andrew Jackson

War of 1812

Dred Scott decision

Question at position 5

1 point

Question at position 5
How did the free enterprise system MOST benefit industrial development in the first half of the 1800s?

How did the free enterprise system MOST benefit industrial development in the first half of the 1800s?

By encouraging the government to put taxes on businesses

By providing safe working conditions for factory workers

By establishing quotas on immigrants

By allowing entrepreneurs to raise money and invest in companies

Question at position 6

1 point

Question at position 6
Which is a characteristic of the free enterprise system?

Which is a characteristic of the free enterprise system?

Government officials make most economic decisions

Most private property is held in common

Individuals enjoy freedom to produce and buy most goods and services

There is a general agreement on all tax policies

Question at position 7

1 point

Question at position 7
What was one effect of the cotton gin in the United States?

What was one effect of the cotton gin in the United States?

Increased efficiency of crop irrigation

Expansion of the plantation system

Expansion of mercantilism

Improved soil fertility

Question at position 8

1 point

Question at position 8
What was the issue in Worcester v. Georgia?

What was the issue in Worcester v. Georgia?

The use of subsistence farming by the Cherokee people

The sovereignty of the Cherokee nation

The taxation of Cherokee lands

The abandonment of the Cherokee culture by its people

Question at position 9

1 point

Question at position 9
The use of interchangeable parts in the manufacture of goods advanced the growth of the manufacturing industry because it –

The use of interchangeable parts in the manufacture of goods advanced the growth of the manufacturing industry because it –

permitted large quantities of goods to be mass produced at lower cost

made it possible for unskilled workers to operate machines

brought an end to the common abuse of factory workers

allowed the continuation of the domestic system

Question at position 10

1 point

Question at position 10
"The Cherokees are nearly all prisoners. They have been dragged from their homes and encamped at the forts and military places, all over the nation...The properties of many have been taken and sold before their eyes for almost nothing."

This quotation from an eyewitness on the "Trail of Tears" describes events resulting from the –

"The Cherokees are nearly all prisoners. They have been dragged from their homes and encamped at the forts and military places, all over the nation...The properties of many have been taken and sold before their eyes for almost nothing."

This quotation from an eyewitness on the "Trail of Tears" describes events resulting from the –

Quartering Act

Intolerable Acts

Indian Removal Act

Lewis and Clark Expedition

answer all questions

1. Impressment of U.S. Sailors by the British Navy

2. By serving as an inexpensive source of labor
3. Worcester v. Georgia
4. War of 1812
5. By allowing entrepreneurs to raise money and invest in companies
6. Individuals enjoy freedom to produce and buy most goods and services
7. Expansion of the plantation system
8. The sovereignty of the Cherokee nation
9. permitted large quantities of goods to be mass produced at lower cost
10. Indian Removal Act