In the recorded lecture titled gold,gospel and glory, on which worksheet 2 is based presenter decllscribed on European

1. Possibilities
2. Limits
3. False superiority
4. Opportunity

1. Possibilities: The presenter discussed the various possibilities that the Europeans saw in exploring new lands and acquiring wealth, particularly through the pursuit of gold, spreading the Gospel, and gaining glory for their countries.

2. Limits: The presenter also touched on the limits of European exploration and expansion, such as resistance from indigenous peoples, harsh environmental conditions, and the overall dangers of venturing into unknown territories.

3. False superiority: The presenter highlighted the concept of false superiority that some Europeans held over indigenous peoples, believing that their culture, religion, and way of life were superior to those they encountered in the new lands they were exploring.

4. Opportunity: The presenter mentioned how Europeans saw the exploration of new lands as an opportunity to expand their empires, increase their wealth, and gain prestige and glory for themselves and their countries.