
Okay so from the official nasa website it says a solar eclipse will be taking place on April 8th of this year (2024), is there anything special about it?

Yes, the solar eclipse on April 8, 2024 will be particularly special because it will be a total solar eclipse, meaning the moon will completely block out the sun's light, creating a breathtaking sight in the sky. This event will be visible across a path that stretches from Mexico to Canada, providing many people in North America with the opportunity to witness this rare astronomical event. Total solar eclipses only occur every few years in different parts of the world, so it is definitely a special event to look forward to.

Whaaat?! So no ring of fire?!

So basically, it will be at it closest point to the earth so no ring of fire will occur?

Actually, the term "ring of fire" refers to an annular eclipse, which occurs when the moon is at its farthest point from Earth during its orbit, appearing smaller and not completely blocking out the sun. This results in a ring-like appearance of the sun around the moon, hence the term "ring of fire".

The solar eclipse on April 8, 2024 is predicted to be a total solar eclipse, where the moon is at its closest point to Earth during its orbit, fully blocking out the sun and creating a total blackout of the sun's light. So, in this case, there will not be a ring of fire, but rather a total eclipse where the sun is completely obscured by the moon.