Consider the line y=-x-2 that has been graphed on the number plane.

Find the y-value of the point on the line where x=5.


Enter each line of work as an equation.
Using m=rise/run the point found in the previous part and the y-intercept, find the slope of the line.

y = -x - 2

y = -(5) - 2
y = -5 - 2
y = -7

Using the formula m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) with the points (0, -2) and (5, -7):
m = (-7 - (-2)) / (5 - 0)
m = (-7 + 2) / 5
m = -5 / 5
m = -1

Therefore, the slope of the line y = -x - 2 is -1.