A meteorologist collected data on a recent snowfall. The meteorologist graphed the data and found the equation of the trend line to be y = 1.7x + 0.1 If the snowfall continues at this pace, use the equation to predict the number of inches of snowfall after 10 hours. Round to the nearest tenth...

(1 point)

To predict the number of inches of snowfall after 10 hours, we can plug in x = 10 into the equation:

y = 1.7(10) + 0.1
y = 17 + 0.1
y = 17.1

Therefore, if the snowfall continues at this pace, there will be approximately 17.1 inches of snowfall after 10 hours.

Erica sells pottery at fairs every summer. She records the number of items she sells each day. The number of items she sells each day over the course of 8 days is 32, 56, 19, 8, 19, 58, 34, 19. Describe the spread of the number of items Erica sold each day using the mean absolute deviation. (1 point)


The mean absolute deviation is approximately 50. The difference between the maximum number of items Erica sold in a day and the minimum number of items Erica sold in a day was 50.
The mean absolute deviation is approximately 50. The difference between the maximum number of items Erica sold in a day and the minimum number of items Erica sold in a day was 50.

The mean absolute deviation is approximately 14.4. On average, the number of items Erica sold each day is about 14.4 items from the mean.
The mean absolute deviation is approximately 14.4. On average, the number of items Erica sold each day is about 14.4 items from the mean.

The mean absolute deviation is approximately 14.4. Erica sold within 14.4 items of the mean each day.
The mean absolute deviation is approximately 14.4. Erica sold within 14.4 items of the mean each day.

The mean absolute deviation is approximately 30.6. Erica sold around 31 items each day.
The mean absolute deviation is approximately 30.6. Erica sold around 31 items each day.

The mean absolute deviation (MAD) is a measure of the average amount by which data points differ from the mean. To calculate the MAD, we first find the mean of the data points:

Mean = (32 + 56 + 19 + 8 + 19 + 58 + 34 + 19) / 8
Mean = 17

Now we calculate the absolute deviations of each data point from the mean:

|32 - 17| = 15
|56 - 17| = 39
|19 - 17| = 2
|8 - 17| = 9
|19 - 17| = 2
|58 - 17| = 41
|34 - 17| = 17
|19 - 17| = 2

Next, we find the mean of these absolute deviations:

MAD = (15 + 39 + 2 + 9 + 2 + 41 + 17 + 2) / 8
MAD = 127 / 8
MAD = 15.875

Therefore, the mean absolute deviation is approximately 15.9. On average, the number of items Erica sold each day is about 15.9 items from the mean.