The half life of potassium is 23 days. The initial amount of potassium is 20 grams. The half life formula is :

, where A(x) represents the final amount of potassium,
is the initial amount, "x" is the time elapsed, "h" is the half-life of the substance.

With the information provided you are to find the exponential equation to to find to the nearest hundredth of a gram, how much potassium will remain after two weeks?

The half-life formula can be rewritten as:

A(x) = A * (1/2)^(x/h)

Plugging in the values given:
A = 20 grams
x = 14 days (2 weeks)
h = 23 days

A(14) = 20 * (1/2)^(14/23)
A(14) = 20 * (1/2)^(0.6087)
A(14) = 20 * 0.5276
A(14) = 10.55

After two weeks, approximately 10.55 grams of potassium will remain.