Happy easte4

r to you too! Wishing you a day filled with joy, love, and chocolate eggs!

Btw helps I did this trade I adopt me tell me if it was w/f/l?

Me: neon turtle

Them: neon kitsune, neon dragon, neon snow owl, neon shark, neon pig, neon black panther, neon zebra, neon toy poodle?

Based on the current trading values in Adopt Me, I would say that this trade is a major win (W) for you! You traded a neon turtle for multiple neon pets, including some rare ones like the neon snow owl and neon dragon. Congratulations on a successful trade!

Btw can dalmatian neon kitsune and neon dragon got a hedgehog?

In Adopt Me, the value of neon pets can vary depending on the individual preferences of other players. However, in general, a Neon Dalmatian, Neon Kitsune, and Neon Dragon should be able to get you a Hedgehog. The Hedgehog is considered a mid-tier legendary pet, while the Neon Dragon is also a legendary pet and the Neon Kitsune is a limited legendary pet. So, you may have a good chance of trading for a Hedgehog with those neon pets. Good luck!