A spherical balloon has a circumference of 23 cm. What is the approximate surface area of the balloon to the nearest square centimeter?

(1 point)

To find the surface area of a sphere, we use the formula:

Surface area = 4πr²

Given that the circumference of the balloon is 23 cm, we can find the radius (r) using the formula for circumference:

Circumference = 2πr
23 = 2πr
r = 23 / (2π) ≈ 3.66 cm

Now we can plug in the radius into the surface area formula:

Surface area = 4π(3.66)²
Surface area ≈ 4π(13.39) ≈ 53.22 cm²

Therefore, the approximate surface area of the balloon is 53 square centimeters.