An isosceles triangle has base angles that each measure 55°. Which equation can be used to find x, the measure of the third angle of this isosceles triangle in degrees?

A 110 + 2x = 180
B 55 + 2x = 180
C 55 + x = 180
D 110 + x = 180

B 55 + 2x = 180


The correct answer is:

B 55 + 2x = 180

In an isosceles triangle, the base angles are equal. Since each base angle measures 55°, and the sum of interior angles in a triangle is 180°, we can set up the equation as:
55 + 55 + x = 180
110 + x = 180
x = 180 - 110
x = 70

Therefore, B is the correct equation to find the measure of the third angle x in this isosceles triangle.