how did the ongol conquest affect chinas economy?

The Mongol conquest of China had both positive and negative effects on the country's economy.

On one hand, the Mongols implemented policies that encouraged trade and commerce, leading to an increase in economic activity. The empire also facilitated the flow of goods and ideas across their vast territory, which benefitted China's economy by creating new markets for its products. Additionally, the construction of the Silk Road under Mongol rule further facilitated trade between China and other regions.

On the other hand, the Mongol conquest also brought about destruction and displacement of populations in China, leading to a downturn in agricultural production and overall economic instability. The Mongol rule also led to increased corruption and exploitation of resources, which further impacted the economy negatively.

Overall, while the Mongol conquest initially had mixed effects on China's economy, it ultimately laid the foundation for a more interconnected global economy and trade networks that would shape the region for centuries to come.