create arguments as to why companies themselves should be held morally liable for the decisions taken by individuals in the company, instead of holding only the human decision-makers liable

1. Companies have the power to set the culture and values of their organization, which can influence the decisions made by individuals within the company. If a company promotes a culture of dishonesty or unethical behavior, then it is ultimately responsible for the actions of its employees.

2. Companies often have more resources and influence than individual employees, making them better equipped to prevent unethical behavior. Holding companies accountable for the actions of their employees can incentivize them to implement stronger ethical guidelines and compliance measures.

3. Companies benefit financially from the decisions made by their employees, so they should bear some responsibility for any negative consequences that result from those decisions. Holding companies accountable can help ensure that they prioritize ethical conduct and social responsibility in their decision-making processes.

4. Companies have a duty to act in the best interests of their stakeholders, including employees, customers, and the community at large. If a company fails to prevent unethical behavior within its organization, it is failing to fulfill its moral obligation to these stakeholders.

5. Holding companies morally liable for the decisions of individuals can help create a more ethical corporate culture and ultimately lead to greater trust and accountability within the business world. By promoting a culture of social responsibility and ethical conduct, companies can contribute to a more just and equitable society.