Before oil was discovered in Texas, power come from coal. Trains and factories relied on coal to run, and Texas had a large amount of coal mines to supply this power to others. Technology in railroad travel increased the need for coat. Railroad tracks were built afl over the country. People not only used railroads to travel faster, they also helped to sell goods Food, clothing, and other items could be sent to other places much faster. More coal needed

to be mined to power the railroads. Natural gas was also used as power for cooking, heating. and to generate elechicity, Texas has been producing these types of power for centuries. Oil is also a very important part of the Texas energy Industry.

Even though Texans have increased their usage of renewable energy resources in the twenty- first century, more Texans still use nonrenewable resources of energy (such as oil and coal) which still make profits for those indushles. This has Increased profits for businesses thal deal with renewable resources. There are some Texans who make use of wind power as a source of energy. This has helped rural landowners who lease their lands to wind farms to supplement Their incomes.


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