What do you think would be a good way to select a random sample of all the students at

the 12 schools in the school district mentioned on the previous page?

One way to select a random sample of all the students at the 12 schools in the school district would be to use a stratified random sampling method. This involves dividing the population (students at each school) into homogeneous groups (strata) based on certain characteristics (such as grade level or gender) and then randomly selecting a certain number of students from each stratum.

Another option could be to use a simple random sampling method, where each student in the district has an equal chance of being selected for the sample. This could involve assigning each student a number and using a random number generator to select a certain number of students from the district.

Whichever method is chosen, it is important to ensure that the sample is truly random and representative of the entire student population in order to draw valid conclusions from the data collected.