An equation is shown below:

4x + 2(x − 3) = 4x + 2x − 11

Part A: Solve the equation and write the number of solutions. Show all the steps. (6 points)

Part B: Name one property you used to solve this equation.

(less than 50 words for each and make it sound like a fifth grader)

Part A:

4x + 2(x − 3) = 4x + 2x − 11
4x + 2x - 6 = 4x + 2x - 11
6x - 6 = 6x - 11
-6 = -11

There are no solutions because -6 is not equal to -11.

Part B:
I used the Distributive Property to simplify the equation by multiplying 2 to both terms inside the parentheses.