temperature and precipitation examples in Cordilleran Vegetation Region

1. Temperature:

- In the summer months, temperatures in the Cordilleran Vegetation Region can range from 70-90 degrees Fahrenheit during the day, but drop to around 50 degrees Fahrenheit at night.
- In the winter months, temperatures can drop below freezing, with average highs of 30-40 degrees Fahrenheit in the daytime and lows reaching 10-20 degrees Fahrenheit at night.

2. Precipitation:
- The Cordilleran Vegetation Region experiences higher levels of precipitation during the winter months, with rainfall and snowfall contributing to the region's moisture.
- In the spring and fall, the region typically sees lighter precipitation, with occasional rain showers and misty conditions.
- Summer months are generally drier, with occasional thunderstorms bringing short bursts of heavy rain.