How might audio or video versions have an effect on meaning?(1 point)

which one is it
Readers can visualize what is happening.
Readers can visualize what is happening.

Readers can emphasize what they want.
Readers can emphasize what they want.

Different media forms do not change anything for the reader.
Different media forms do not change anything for the reader.

The interpretation is not left up to the reader.
The interpretation is not left up to the reader.

Audio or video versions can have an effect on meaning by allowing the audience to hear the tone of voice, see facial expressions, body language, and visual cues that can change the interpretation of the content. This can also help emphasize certain points or emotions that may not come across as clearly in written form. Additionally, different media forms can offer different perspectives or interpretations of the same content, providing a richer and more immersive experience for the audience.