Manipulate the simulation so that it never stops, that is, the bunnies do not “take over the world” and the population never dies out.When you figure out this challenge, describe the selection factors and mutations involved in creating this situation and explain why the simulation keeps going indefinitely.

To ensure that the simulation never stops, we can make the following changes:

1. Increase the carrying capacity of the environment to accommodate a growing population of bunnies without running out of resources.
2. Introduce predators or other limiting factors to keep the bunny population in check and prevent them from taking over the world.
3. Implement random mutations that enhance the bunnies' ability to adapt to changing conditions and avoid extinction.

The selection factors at play in this scenario include predation, competition for resources, and environmental changes. Mutations that provide advantages such as better camouflage, increased fertility, or resistance to diseases can help the bunnies survive and reproduce successfully.

The simulation keeps going indefinitely because the population is constantly evolving and adapting to new challenges. By introducing limiting factors and mutations that promote survival, the bunnies are able to maintain a stable population without either dying out or overpopulating the environment. This dynamic equilibrium ensures that the simulation continues indefinitely without reaching a fixed endpoint.