give an example with explanation of a romantic period theme found in the poem to a mouse

One romantic period theme found in the poem "To a Mouse" by Robert Burns is the idea of nature's beauty and power. In the poem, the speaker empathizes with a mouse whose home he unintentionally destroyed while plowing his field. The speaker reflects on the mouse's struggle to survive in the harsh world of nature, much like his own struggle to make a living off the land.

This theme of nature's beauty and power is a common motif in romantic poetry, as poets of the romantic era often celebrated the natural world and found solace in its tranquility. The speaker's contemplation of the mouse's plight also speaks to the romantic notion of the interconnectedness of all living beings and the fragility of life.

Overall, the theme of nature's beauty and power in "To a Mouse" reflects the romantic period's focus on the natural world as a source of inspiration, comfort, and wisdom.