The surface area of the net diagram of the right circular cylinder is 522.81 feet2 . Find the height of the curved surface. Use 3.14 for π .

The surface area of the net diagram of a right circular cylinder can be calculated as:

Surface Area = 2πr^2 + 2πrh

Given that the total surface area is 522.81 feet^2 and the value of π is 3.14, we can substitute these values into the equation:

522.81 = 2(3.14)r^2 + 2(3.14)rh

Simplify the equation:
261.405 = 3.14r^2 + 6.28rh

Since we are interested in finding the height of the curved surface, we can isolate the 'h' term in the equation:
h = (261.405 - 3.14r^2) / (6.28r)

Now we need the value of the radius (r) to solve for the height of the curved surface. We are missing that information in the given problem.

its 9

Given that the radius of the right circular cylinder is 9 feet, we can substitute this into the equation:

h = (261.405 - 3.14(9)^2) / (6.28(9))
h = (261.405 - 254.34) / 56.52
h = 7.065 / 56.52
h ≈ 0.125 feet

Therefore, the height of the curved surface of the cylinder is approximately 0.125 feet.