in English explain when the "personal a" is used in a Spanish sentence. (this is different than "a" when it translates to "to/at.")

The "personal a" is used in Spanish when the direct object of a sentence refers to a specific person or pet, such as a family member, friend, or animal. This personal "a" is used before the direct object pronoun to show special consideration or regard for the individual being talked about. For example, "Veo a mi madre" (I see my mother) or "Quiero a mi perro" (I love my dog).

in Spanish, give an example sentence containing the "personal a" in a sentence. (This is different than "a" when it translates to "to/at."

Claro, aquí tienes un ejemplo de una oración en español que incluye la "a personal":

"Ana visita a su abuela en el hospital."

En esta oración, "a su abuela" es el objeto directo y al tratarse de una persona específica (la abuela de Ana), se utiliza la "a personal" antes del pronombre.