What is the volume of a shipping container that is 20over12 ft. long, 12over14 ft. wide, and 8over14 ft. tall? Apply the V=B×h formula to solve.

To find the volume of the shipping container, we will use the formula V = B x h, where B represents the area of the base of the container and h represents the height of the container.

First, let's calculate the area of the base:

Length = 20/12 ft. = 5/3 ft.
Width = 12/14 ft. = 6/7 ft.

Area of the base (B) = Length x Width
B = (5/3) x (6/7)
B = 30/21
B = 10/7 ft.

Next, let's find the height of the container:

Height = 8/14 ft. = 4/7 ft.

Now, we can calculate the volume of the shipping container:

V = B x h
V = (10/7) x (4/7)
V = 40/49 ft³

Therefore, the volume of the shipping container is 40/49 cubic feet.