What gave Portugal in advantage in the slave trade?

Portugal had several advantages in the slave trade, including:

1. Geographic location: Portugal's proximity to Africa allowed for easier access to the source of slaves and quicker transportation to the Americas.

2. Established trade routes: Portugal had well-established trade routes and networks in Africa, allowing them to efficiently acquire and transport slaves.

3. Navy and maritime expertise: Portugal had a strong navy and skilled sailors, which enabled them to control and dominate trade routes and transport slaves effectively.

4. Colonial presence: Portugal had established colonies in Africa and the Americas, giving them a strategic advantage in the slave trade and enabling them to set up trading posts and forts to facilitate the trafficking of slaves.

5. Alliance with local African chieftains: Portugal often formed alliances with local African chieftains and rulers, enabling them to acquire slaves through trade or warfare.

Overall, Portugal's geographic location, established trade routes, naval power, colonial presence, and alliances with local African leaders all contributed to their advantage in the slave trade.